Crypto Estimator

Find out exactly how much your crypto is worth using accurate, up-to-date exchange rates. Get real-time and historical trends in the crypto value.

Cryptocurrency Price Estimator

You pay
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You get


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Cryptocurrency data & market performance

If you ever have interest investing in crypto, this app is a must-have! Copaly lets you track active crypto markets, providing descriptions, price charts, and market capitalizations all in one place.

Copaly mobile app instant save, and trading dashboard screens


Vault lets you save and invest in crypto. Get up to 10% APY on your stable coin savings.



When business meets crypto, then you are global. Accept crypto for goods & services.


Next Of kin

Now you can WILL your crypto assets to your benefitiaries with a sharing formula feature.

Knwnowlage Base

Buy Bitcoin

Learn how to buy Bitcoin and Alt coing using & when to buy using the Dollar Cost Average.

How to buy crypto

Estimate market data using the crypto estimator & buy using various payment methods available

Trading Guide

All principles that guides the trading on the copaly platform including the rules of fees, min & max purchase per trading pairs.

Videos Guide

More video on new ways to use the copaly app for a better expirence are available via our YouTube channel.